case history

Thrip protection in open field: BIOMAGLIA

The perfect insect screen for open field cropping


3381BT BIOMAGLIA is a polyamide fabric ideal for the protection of crops in the open field.

Effectively protects crops from insects, wind and rain. Very lightweight fabric, it can be laid directly on crops or on small supports.

Tested on the field by the Fratelli Cambise farm on three different crops, the insect screen successfully prevented the attack of thrips by bringing the percentage of infected plants to zero!


“For this type of crop, the main problem is naturally represented by virosis, whose main vector are thrips. To counter their spread, we did a test with Arrigoni’s Biomaglia on lettuce, broccoli and radicchio. The result is been extremely satisfactory, with the percentage of infected plants close to zero. Given the results, we are already thinking of expanding our surfaces protected by Biomaglia Arrigoni”

In the video Sandro Cerasani – technical director of the Cambise farm- explains how was the test.