Apple with more than 9.000.000 t and pear with more than 2.000.000 t of annual production are the third most produced and consumed fruit category next to bananas and citrus.
Arrigoni’s fabrics support apple and pear producers all over the world offering protective solutions from hail, storms, and harmful insects.
When you choose a net, the colour is a very important parameter. Depending on the variety and the geographical area of cultivation is required to utilize the right shading percentage. In regions where there is not enough sun and for cultivations that require a high percentage of sun we suggest transparent nets; on the contrary, in sunny places and onto low vigorous orchards we advise black net to ensure a better shading factor and cut down burns fruits damages. Moreover, black nets have longer life.
Iride Multi Pro and Fructus 4/4 are suggested both to close lateral sides of orchards or for single row covering. Iride Multi Pro is suitable to protect from Halyomorpha Halys (Asiatic stink bug) and Fructus 4/4 is realized to protect pome fruits against Cydia pomonella
Agritela lux is ground cover specially designed to help fruit coloring. It gives best results with clones and varieties that have difficulties to develop color and with apple production in flat fields, under anti-hail nets, or areas with low temperature fluctuations during the day and the night. Thanks to special additives, agritela lux reflects more than 70% of the photosynthetically active sunlight reaching the ground and provides more luminosity in the lower and inner parts of the tree canopy.
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