
case history

Berry fruits: 11 months of production in Sicily with Arrigoni

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Berry fruits are among the most complex crops from an agronomic point of view: atmospheric agents (rain, wind, hail, high insolation, etc.), associated with sudden changes in temperature, can have decidedly negative effects on productivity and efficiency of entire plantations. Arrigoni, therefore, offers the Robuxta® Mdf White thermo-reflecting screen in the ......

Zero cracking for cherries


Rain, hail and humidity are some of the main enemies of cherries. Even on very sensitive varieties, PROTECTA® is a protective screen characterized by a calibrated porosity in the textile structure, which has the function of increasing ventilation and the passage of wind, thus contributing to the rapid removal of moisture in the prote...


PRISMA®: diffused light and temperature reduction

"Baby leaf" salads and other greenhouse vegetables have an additional ally to grow and develop at their best throughout their life cycle.


Arrigoni presented new evidence on the effectiveness of PRISMA® thermo-reflective screens for this type of crop.

As proof, Dr. Antonietta Boffa, technical manager of production of Vitrosele srl and dire...


ROBUXTA®: temperature control on blueberry in Namibia

The installation of a blueberry orchard covered by ROBUXTA® was recently completed in Namibia, a country in Southern Africa where blueberry production is growing rapidly.

The site where blueberries are grown is located in northern Namibia on the border with Angola.

The project involved covering 20 hectares with ROBUXTA® screens. However, the area being installed is much la...


Thrip protection in open field: BIOMAGLIA

The perfect insect screen for open field cropping
  3381BT BIOMAGLIA is a polyamide fabric ideal for the protection of crops in the open field. Effectively protects crops from insects, wind and rain. Very lightweight fabric, it can be laid directly on crops or on small supports. Tested on the field by the Fratelli Cambise farm on three different crops, the insect sc......

Mussel farming in the Po Delta

Beautiful view of the lagoons of the Po delta from Mesola, Ferrara. Arrigoni nets used in mussel farming. Yet another perfect combination of agrotextiles and nature for the production of healthy food. Thanks to Davide Zanellati for the video!   ...

Heat waves: wine grapes are safe

In France, no winegrower can no longer be considered immune to the effects of climate change. On the other hand, increasingly extreme weather phenomena put a strain on vine cultivation in the rest of Europe and beyond. In collaboration with several research institutes, Arrigoni has developed an innovative solution to the problem of heat stroke that affects the vines and that involves the sudden......

The multiprotective citrus fruit screen

Citrus fruits production and quality are influenced by many factors, including climatic conditions and cultivation practices. The active protection and climatic performance of Arrigoni screens help production of citrus fruits, for safe food and satisfied producers. Here is a summary of the advantages of LIBECCIO 50 TRANSPARENT:

  • Hail protection
  • Wind protection
  • <...

New pomegranate orchard protected from weeds

The exclusive 3235BW AGRITELA BLACK & WHITE mulching fabric: the new two-tone mulching cloth combines the classic performance of black mulching with the reflective effect of white that can transmit more light to the plants. The new plants of this orchard will be protected from the competition of weeds, while the fabric will help maintain soil moisture. At the same time, ......

Comparative test for PROTECTA SYSTEM on Cherry

Rain, Drosophila Suzukii and other insects represent the main threats to the cherry cropping. PROTECTA® SYSTEM is the multi-protective screen for protection from rain, hail, sun and wind integrated with BIORETE® insect screens. The innovative PROTECTA SYSTEM has undergone a comparative test in France on 5 hectares in total. Here are the advantages compared to plastic film and open field: ......

Frost protection for sugar beet in open field

Arricover bioclimatic screen installed in open field on sugar beet for seed production in Spain in the region of Palencia. Installed during the 4 harshest months of winter, from November to February, Arricover has allowed excellent results both in frost protection, resistance and ease of installation! Arricover, in fact, improves the microclimate and the conditions of cultivation, protects f......

A 7 km wind barrier in Spain

In Tarragona, in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, a territory famous for the quality of its agricultural production, LIBECCIO 50 screen was chosen to raise windbreak barriers for a total of more than 7 km. This installation protects adjacent citrus crops from the wind. ...

Robuxta® MDF White on raspberry cultivation

This is possible thanks to Robuxta® Mdf White by Arrigoni, the innovative agrotextile ideal for the cultivation of berry fruits (raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, etc.) that grow spontaneously in the undergrowth. [ngg src="galleries" ids="11" display="basic_thumbnail"]  The advantages that Robuxta® Mdf White ensures are many and can be summarized in a......

Biorete® air plus for High-Tech greenhouses

BIORETE® 80 AIR PLUS protects against smaller pests and improves airflow. This anti-insect netting screens the upper openings in the high-technology greenhouses in the agricultural region of Querétaro in Mexico. Besides that, the calibrated hole dimension protects against thrips, improves the microclimate and ensures production.   [ngg src="galleries" ids="12" display="basic_thu......

Cherries protected from rain and insects

Rain, Drosophila Suzukii and other insects are the main threats to cherry cropping. PROTECTA® SYSTEM is the rain protection complemented by BIORETE® insect screens. This completely innovative rain protection system is installed row by row on 3 ha of surface. It cuts the passage of water up to 90%, it also reduces the need for pesticides and improves the microclimate.   [ngg src=......

First Net House in Italy

The ideal compromise between open field and greenhouse production. This 8 ha Net House protects zucchini from insect pests and unfavorable climatic conditions. It ensures a further increased airflow thanks to the innovative BIORETE® AIR PLUS technology....

25 hectares of Prisma® thermo-reflective screens

Ivan Barcella - with over than 25 years of experience in the field – uses Arrigoni products for the protection of “baby leaf” salad crops by the negative effects caused by excessive sunlight. Arrigoni thermo-reflective screens PRISMA® are installed on 25 hectares of greenhouses and tunnels....

Cultivations of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and more in Mexico

Cultivations of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and more in Mexico: net house created with BIORETE 40 MESH on the roof and BIORETE 50 MESH on the sides to protect the crops underneath from insects.


Fructus anti-hail net in Veneto

Fructus net on wine grape protects from hail, excessive irradiation and birds. Its textile scheme allows good tension even for long distances.


Frost protection of leek in the Netherlands

Open field cultivations of leek in the Netherlands: Arricover protects crops from frost and insects (lepidoptera) in open field. Furthermore, it creates a dry microclimate under the net and increases the resistance of plants to frost....